
Departmental Allocated Awards

Departmental Allocated Research Support (DARS)

Taft provides departments with research support funds to enable faculty research on small-dollar (below $2,000 per) projects. Where a specific project requires $2,000 or more in financial support, faculty may apply for research support. Where the research support required is less than $2,000, faculty must use department allocated research support (DARS) funds.


Dissertation Fellowship


The Charles Phelps Taft Dissertation Fellowship provides $20,000.00 in financial support to advanced, outstanding graduate students in support of their doctoral research. Nine full-year fellowships are earmarked for superior graduate students in each Taft Ph.D.-granting department. Fellowships are decided by the faculty within the department. A University Graduate Scholarship (UGS) accompanies each fellowship, through the home department, which covers the standard student health insurance award and course fees.

See also Taft Competitive Dissertation Fellowships

Departmental Allocated Taft Dissertation Fellowship
Submission process
Responsibilities of Fellows

Graduate Enhancement


This fund's purpose is to promote the recruitment, retention and advancement of excellent graduate students.

The funds are made available to departments to strengthen their graduate programs by enhancing their graduate recruitment and program activities overall but especially to support the enhancement of Graduate Assistantships or Fellowships. To this end, departments are given considerable discretion to award these funds to students in a manner that supports the fund's purpose. Taft does not restrict the departmental decision process, and the individual awards do not have to be approved by any Taft committee. Yearly allocations must be expended by end of the fiscal year for which they are allocated*. 

Departments may use up to $2,000 of their allocation for recruiting and advertising their graduate program.

Graduate Enhancement
Award Guidelines

Departmental Lectures


Taft provides each member unit with noncompetitive, annual funds ($3,000) in order to host invited lectures. Unlike competitive lectures, departmental lectures are not subject to the same breadth of interest, interdisciplinary requirements. In addition to these funds, Taft also provides up to $180 in lecture support per event, for the purposes of a dinner or reception in honor of the guest (up to six events).

N.B. This fund does not carry forward; Alcohol purchases are not allowed.