interdisciplinary conversations and collaborations

Taft Research Center offers an array of university and public humanities programs designed to bring people together across the 15 Taft-member departments in the humanities and social sciences, and beyond.

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Worldbuilding and Radical Worldmaking 

Join the Taft Research Center for our 2024/25 thematic programming series where we host distinguished visiting scholars, artists, activists, and makers, alongside our own faculty and students, to develop techniques to anchor, imagine, and speculate about new worlds while transforming our own. What are the horizons of radical worldmaking? How can we use methods, practices, and ways of knowing from the humanities and social sciences to extend them?   


April 11 Deadline

April 14 Deadline

April 28 Deadline


Featured Events

Register for events here

Celebrate People's History Poster Pop-Up
**Extended Dates**
January 16–May 15, 2025 
Taft Research Center

250326 Taxonomia Web

Javier Cardona Otero
Wednesday, March 26, 3:30–5:30pm
Taft Research Center


250327 Symposium Web

Worldbuilding & Radical Worldmaking Symposium 
Thursday, March 27, 10am–4pm  
Taft Research Center


250327  minor theory web

minor theory
March  27, 7pm
Downbound Books
4139 Apple Street, Northside

250331 RPG Web

Role-Playing the Humanities
Monday, March 31 & Tuesday, April 1
Taft Research Center


250403 IP Brianna Web

In Process
Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara with Margaret Chowning
Apocalypse Now: Maya Marianism, Female Prophecy, and Rebellion
Thursday, April 3, 10am–noon
Taft Research Center 

250410 IP Amy Web

In Process
Amy Lind with Margaret Power
Anti-Fascist Solidarity Movements and Political Memory in Authoritarian Chile, 1970-1980s
Thursday, April 10, 10am–noon
Taft Research Center 

250416 TRS RAD Web

Race and Data Public Programming–Untangling Data
April 16, 6–9pm 
Taft Research Center

250403 Exhibitions Web

Exhibitions as Worldbuilding
Sso-Rha Kang, The Carnegie
Thursday, April 3, 12:30pm
Taft Research Center

250405 TRS Carnegie2

Atmospheres Public Program–Performances & Listening Scores
Saturday, April 5, noon
The Carnegie Gallery
1028 Scott Blvd 
Covington, KY

250416 APW Web

Data Say What? Research for Community Impact
Elissa Yancey, A Picture’s Worth & 
Viann Barnett, Recovery Services at HER Cincinnati
Wednesday, April 16, 6pm
Taft Research Center

250417 IP Siham Web

In Process
Siham Bouamer with Denis M. Provencher
Globalizing Moroccan Culture: Identity, Representation, and Cultural Flows
Thursday, April 17, 10am–noon
Taft Research Center 

Charles Phelps Taft Research Center
Edwards I, Suite 1110
47 Corry Boulevard
Cincinnati, OH 45221