
Faculty Fellowships

Faculty Release Fellowships

Applications for Faculty Release Fellowships are due no later than 5pm on October 21.

The Faculty Release Fellowship supports long-term research/creative projects that may include the development of external grant or fellowship applications. No preference is given to faculty rank. Applicants must have demonstrated the ability to undertake and complete research/creative projects beyond a thesis or dissertation before the time of their application. Projects may not be mere editing, expansion, or readying for publication of a dissertation.

Fellowships are awarded as an extension of either sabbatical leave or department head-granted release and requires release from regular faculty duties during the Taft-funded semester. The faculty member will be paid their regular salary while on leave and may receive a supplement for research expenses, based on availability of funds (up to $1,500 maximum; the supplement may not be used for travel to academic meetings). Grantee may use the supplement or part of their research fellowship award to seek external funding. Grantees remain eligible for Travel for Research Grants.

Grantees are ineligible to re-apply in the following two fiscal years.

Faculty Release Guidelines
Selection Criteria
Terms of the Grant

Summer Research Fellowships

Applications for Summer Research Fellowships are due no later than 5pm on March 3.

The Taft Summer Research Fellowship provides $8,000 in faculty pay for sustained research activity on a specific project, during any semester of leave or any non-teaching semester that is otherwise without pay. Applicants may apply for up to $1,500 in supplemental funds for research expenses.

Grantees are encouraged to use this opportunity to seek external funding for their research.

25% of awards are set aside for untenured junior faculty in tenure-track positions, who have never been awarded and/or used a Taft Research grant. The remaining awards are open to all faculty, regardless of rank.

Summer Fellowship Guidelines
Selection Criteria
Terms of the Grant

Center Fellowships

Applications for Center Fellowships are due no later than 5pm on October 14.

The Taft Center Fellowship provides the opportunity to complete and prepare for publication a significant scholarly project in a multi-disciplinary setting; affording a research assignment for the entire academic year. Projects may include a variety of scholarly activities, including producing articles and books for publication, as well as external grant seeking activities for major projects. Although research projects need not be interdisciplinary in nature, applicants must be committed to intellectual exchange beyond their discipline and the advancement of their research project; they must contribute to the intellectual community of the Taft Center. The program is designed to support faculty who will benefit from and contribute to multi-disciplinary interaction, not merely an isolated independent pursuit of one’s research agenda (see Faculty Release and Summer Fellowships for such support). Grantees are expected to maintain a regular, active presence at the center, including attending center-sponsored events and interacting regularly with their cohort.

Although no preference will be given to faculty rank, it is expected that applicants will have a demonstrated ability to complete significant research/creative projects before the time of their application, exclusive of degree theses/dissertations. The fellowship is not appropriate for projects that demand periods of time spent away from the Taft Center. Grantees are encouraged to treat the fellowship as an opportunity to develop external funding profiles to enhance their scholarly production.


Center Fellowships Guidelines
Selection Criteria
Terms of the Grant