Susan Allen, Anthropology
Plants in the Past: New Results and Methods
Zhuo Ban
NCA 2024
Harshavardhan Bhat, Taft Research Center
Monsoonal Solidarity "Cosmotechnics and the Impossibility of Global IR"
RJ Boutelle, English
Globalizing the Black Freedom Struggle in William Wells Brown's Reconstruction Histories
David Brasington, Economics
The Effect of Cutting Road Maintenance Spending on House Values, Wages, and Employment in a Developed Economy
Julia Carlson, English
Printing, Folding, Posting: Spreading the Abolitionist Word
Steve Carlton-Ford, Sociology
Legacies of Injustice Presentation
Erynn Casanova, Sociology
Challenges of Domestic Work in Latin America
Erynn Casanova, Sociology
Sources of Exploitation in Paid Domestic Work
Dana Cloud, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
The Rhetoric of U.S. Social Movements: Theories and Histories of Greater Regard
Dana Cloud, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
Institute for the Radical Imagination Marxism seminar
Brooke Crowley, Anthropology
Conducting collaborative research at the University of Bordeaux
Andre Curtis-Trudel, Philosophy
Computational science and the problem of unconceived alternatives: lessons from gravitational wave astrophysics
Andre Curtis-Trudel, Philosophy
Black Boxes without Belief Boxes: Challenges for Belief Description in LLMs
Mauricio Espinoza, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
Creative Writing Programs in Spanish in the US: Perspectives from Academia
Mauricio Espinoza, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
Minority Identities and Representation in Contemporary Latin American Literatures
Gail Fairhurst, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
Academy of Management Chicago Convention
Ari Finkelstein, Judaic Studies
From Jerusalem to Antioch in the Chronicle of John Malalas
Lauren Forbes, School of Public and International Affairs
The Homegrown study
Chandra Frank, Women’s, Gender, and Sexual Studies
Tidal Gatherings: Darling of the Sea
Chandra Frank, Women’s, Gender, and Sexual Studies
Submerged: On Listening, Passage, and Sinking
Chandra Frank, Women’s, Gender, and Sexual Studies
Darling of the Sea
Michael Gott, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
Representation in/as National Cinema: Parity Funding in Quebec
Michael Gott, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
Funding Representation: Assessing the outcomes and advantages of parity funding in film in Quebec
Abel Gustafson, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
The Environment Takes a Back Seat: A Content Analysis of the Persuasive Strategies of Electric Vehicle Ads (2018-2023)
Delaney Harness, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
From Values to Imparuncts: Developing a Sustainability Reporting Taxonomy
Stephen Hass, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
2024 National Communication Association Annual Convention
Sigrun Haude, History
Old Age in the Seventeenth Century
Sigrun Haude, History
Uses and Realities of the News Market during the Thirty Years' War
Todd Herzog, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
Translating Thrills: Cinema and the Amusement Park
Joanna Huh, English
Damaging Intimacy: Reimagining Community in Shakespeare and Marlowe
Melissa Jacquart, Philosophy
The Value of History and Philosophy of Science for a Strong Scientific Ecosystem
Laura Jenkins, School of Public and International Affairs
"Empowerment" Training for Women in Bangladesh's Garment Factories: Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility (SIR)
Nancy Jennings, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
What Have We Forgotten: Creating Digital Content with Indigenous Youth About Climate Change
Cassandra Jones, Africana Studies
Whose History is American History: Critical Race Theory, Attempted Erasure, and Historical Memory in Antebellum
Hyunjoong Kim, Mathematical Sciences
Bayesian collective decision-making processes in changing environments
Peter Langland Hassan, Philosophy
AI & Creativity
Amy Lind, School of Public and International Affairs
Settler Colonialism, Decolonial theory, and Coloniality/ies
Anna Linders, Sociology
Capital Punishment as a Gendered and Racialized Institution
Andrew Lorent, Mathematical Sciences
Aviles-Giga Conjecture
Nina Lozano, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
Disability, Capitalism, and the Carceral State
John Lynch, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
NCA Presentation
Aditi Machado, English
Material Witness
Heidi Maibom, Philosophy
Good grief
Eduardo Martinez, Philosophy
Democracy's Attention Problem
Kelly Merrill, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
Addressing Discrimination in Healthcare: LGBTQ+ Perspectives and Solutions
David Niven, School of Public and International Affairs
Breaking the Voting Habit: The Reverberating Consequences of Polling Place Obstacles on Turnout
Tanja Nusser, Asian, East European, and German Studies
Dort hat Pasolini die Kreuzigung Jesus gedreht und Mel Gibson. Paratexte, glaubhafte Geschichten und generische Codes bei Milo Rau
Jeongmin Oh, School of Public and International Affairs
Deepening the Digital Divide? How Privacy Concern over Artificial Intelligence Shapes Perception of AI Use
Shailaja Paik, History
The Archive: Event, Infrastructure, Imagination
Shailaja Paik, History
Can We Be Sisters? Caste, Race, and Histories of Solidarity among Dalit and Black People
Angela Potochnik, Philosophy
Architectures of Complexity
Dan Ralescu, Mathematical Sciences
Mixed Models of Uncertainty in Financial Analysis
Armando Romero, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
On Freedom, Exile and Coexistence between Languages
Anne Runyan, School of Public and International Affairs
Settler Colonialism, Decolonial theory, and Coloniality/ies
Rebecca Sanders, School of Public and International Affairs
International Studies Association Presentation
Shaunak Sastry, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
NCA Presentation
Anne Delano Steinert, History
Urban Renewal Goes Public: Public History Projects Transforming the Stories of Urban Renewal
Leah Stewart, English
Revolutions: A Novel
David Stradling, History
Maintaining the Seine Through A Century of Change
Jeff Timberlake, Sociology
The Reliability of Gentrification Measures
Patricia Valladares-Ruiz, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
Forced Displacement, Foreignness, and Gender in Novels by Venezuelan Diasporic Women Writers
Patricia Valladares-Ruiz, Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures
Women Documentary Filmmakers of the Venezuelan Diaspora: Gender, Resistance, and Crisis
Xia Wang, Mathematical Sciences
Neural Connectivity Analysis: Bayesian Modeling for Massive Brain Imaging Data
Rina Williams, School of Public and International Affairs
Extremist, Terrorist, Radical
Gregory Winger, School of Public and International Affairs
The Threads that Fray
Gregory Winger, School of Public and International Affairs
Navigating Indo-Pacific Alliances: Understanding US Public Response to Cyber Operations
Rebecca Wingo, History
Mukurtu & Issues in Indigenous Digitization
Yanyu Xiao, Mathematical Sciences
Impulsive Controls on Infectious Disease Transmission
Chenxing Xie, English
ACM Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) Conference Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) Annual Conference
Jeffrey Zalar, History
Natural Science as the 'Secular Sacred' in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Felicia Zamora, English
El Cielo En Nuestros Ojos :: Ecological Inamorata (Poem) Pulse
Laura Zanotti, Anthropology
Collaborative Research and Plural Sovereignties
Bingyu Zhang, Mathematical Sciences
Global Well-posedness of the Initial-Boundary Value Problem of a Class Generalized KdV Equation on a Finite Interval
Dongchen Zhao, Economics
Low Interest Rates, Debt Heterogeneity, and Firm Dynamics
Dongchen Zhao, Economics
The Effects of Regulation Restrictions on Firm Dynamism: Evidence from a Shift-Share Instrument.
Heather Zoller, School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
NCA Presentation